Saturday, February 17, 2007

the past, and the future

So um....... yeah like i said in the last post, i said that i was going to tell ou all about my life and my past and my trials that me and my family have faced!!!!! So here goes nothing, yet everything...... so starting from the present: i have a problem with bullemia (highilte it) and with cutting myself and with off and on anorexia and i have three different ocd's (obsessive compulsive order)and i also have mental problems that i try not to let show so much but i am extremely abbusive and so yeah if you kno me than you have probably seen this side of me and so yeha i think i am gonna write another blog so yeah bye

about today:::::D

um... so today i woke up at around 4:30 a.m. and then i woke up my dad, grandma, sisters, brother, and mom then i suggestd that we go to the Rose Bolw so we could run our
(usual) seven miles and so we left at around 6:00a.m. or something close to that. only me , my dad, my grandma, my sister aisia, and my brother reece went. so we got back at around 8:00 or 9:00 and then ny grandmother walked up to the farmers market. oh by the way i ran the seven miles in around 30 minutes or sumthin' but yeah now i am gonna make another blog talkin about all of my prblems and struggles but you don't have to read them or anything!!!!!